The Good
I WAS IN NEVADA AND UTAH ALL OF LAST WEEK. One of the things I did in Utah was to give the Convocation lecture at Snow College in Ephraim. I also delivered another public lecture there, taught two classes, and led a discussion group for faculty and students over lunch. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Snow College and thank President Brad Cook and all of the staff, faculty, and students who made my visit so enjoyable and worthwhile. (And a special shout out to my friend, Ron Pisaturo, for organizing the whole thing.)
NICE: Darwin notebooks return to UK library two decades after vanishing.
ME AND THE BOYS (+HANNAH) GO NOODLIN’. You don’t know nothin’ ‘bout ‘merica unless you been noodlin’. Long-time subscribers to The Redneck Intellectual will recall my controversial essay “On the Hierarchy of Sports” in which I ranked sports according to the athleticism required to succeed. While I don’t rank noodling above, say, the decathlon, I am ranking it above golf!!!!! Now waiting for the hate mail to hit my inbox. (This one is for Matt Repp.)
PEOPLE ARE AWESOME: Community rallies to help man with cerebral palsy, changing his life forever
HOW COOL IS THIS?: Strange underground city found in man's basement in Turkey
GOD, I HOPE SO. The greatest regret of my life is not having married Mrs. Redneck much sooner than I did: Is getting married young back in vogue?
MY WIFE SAYS THIS WILL MAKE HER LIFE BETTER, BUT THAT ASSUMES I ACTUALLY HAVE A REAL HEARING PROBLEM, WHICH I DON’T!!!!!!!!!!! Do you hear me, Mr. Redneck? Reversing hearing loss with regenerative therapy.
CAN WE PLEASE HAVE MORE OF THIS, PLEASE, AND FASTER: Scientists build circuit that generates clean, limitless power from graphene.
A team of University of Arkansas physicists has successfully developed a circuit capable of capturing graphene's thermal motion and converting it into an electrical current.
“An energy-harvesting circuit based on graphene could be incorporated into a chip to provide clean, limitless, low-voltage power for small devices or sensors,” said Paul Thibado, professor of physics and lead researcher in the discovery.
The findings, titled "Fluctuation-induced current from freestanding graphene," and published in the journal Physical Review E, are proof of a theory the physicists developed at the U of A three years ago that freestanding graphene — a single layer of carbon atoms — ripples and buckles in a way that holds promise for energy harvesting.
NO KIDDING, SHERLOCK: Nuclear Power is the Most Reliable Energy Source and It’s Not Even Close.
WE COULD USE A LITTLE MORE OF THIS KIND OF THING: Judge Prevents Syracuse (NY) Mayor From Removing Christopher Columbus Statue.
The Bad
MRS. REDNECK AND I ARE LOOKING TO BUY A COW—LITERALLY. Turns out, though, there is a shortage of cows to buy. Sadly, though, not everyone can afford to buy a cow for the coming food shortage. Things are going to get a lot worse. Goya CEO issues dire warning about threats to the global food supply
Go to your local Walmart grocery story to see how low income people are doing right now: 60% Say They Wake Up At Night Thinking About Their Finances
NEWSFLASH: PUTLER DID NOT CAUSE THIS: U.K. sleepwalking into food crisis as fresh produce set to vanish from supermarkets
A REMEMBRANCE OF THINGS PAST. Increasingly, this is becoming our existential reality.
Or, two stories in one:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
“From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.”
The choice is yours.
IT MATTERS WHO RUNS THE FED, AND IT MATTERS WHO THE PEOPLE ARE IN POWER WHO APPOINT THE MEMBERS OF THE FED. We got the short end of the stick on both counts: The Fed Has Made a U.S. Recession Inevitable.
IDEAS HAVE CONSEQUENCES. This was entirely predictable, but of course we’re now told that Putler is to blame: Inflation forcing retirees back into jobs. “One out of four adults said that inflation is the single greatest threat to their retirement plans in 2022, according to Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis. That’s more than concerns about health care costs, outliving your money or job security combined.”
YOU (WELL, SOME OF YOU) VOTED FOR THIS, OH YES YOU DID: Shock Warning: 75% Chance US Falls Into Recession
LIVING THROUGH THE DECLINE AND FALL YEARS: Average U.S. life expectancy drops in 2021 for second year in a row.
THE WEST HAS BECOME A CLOWN SHOW: Transgender killer who has changed from male to female now says she identifies as a baby and demands nappies, baby food and a dummy in her prison cell
NINE TIMES OUT OF TEN, IT’S A HOAX—A MALICIOUS HOAX: Police hunt for suspect who scrawled white supremacy symbol on parking garage
DOES THIS MEAN THEY’VE BEEN LYING TO US, OR DOES IT MEAN THEY ARE INCOMPETENT AND SHOULD BE FIRED? FDA, CDC Guilty of Clinical Malpractice and Scientific Fraud by Inaction and Omission on mRNA Vaccine Safety Warnings.
PRETTY SURE THAT’S A HARD “NO”! World Government Summit: 'Are we ready for a new world order?'
SEINFELD WAS A SHOW ABOUT NOTHING. Now we have “art” about nothing selling for a lot of money giving evidence of P. T. Barnum’s quip that there is a sucker born every minute: A receipt for 'invisible' art could fetch half a million dollars at auction
AND SO IT BEGINS: China Takes Over the Solomon Islands — And the Pacific
THESE PEOPLE REALLY SHOULD CONSIDER SEEKING HELP: The Four Most Unhinged Responses to Elon Musk’s Offer to Buy Twitter.