A little bit of good news goes a long way in a world with very little good news: “Supreme Court strikes down Biden administration's eviction moratorium.”
A good plan for success. Work your way to happiness. “Tom Brady disavows today's work ethic: 'It’s not how to live a joyful life'.”
Surprise, Surprise! “The 10 States Leading the Economic Recovery All Have One Thing in Common (And So Do the Worst Ones!).”
“States that harshly restricted their economies and continue to offer expanded welfare programs are trapped in a labor market coma. Meanwhile, free states that eschewed long-term lockdowns and welfare excess are leading the recovery. That’s no coincidence—and the principle here is worth remembering long after the pandemic.”
Good news ‘cause we’re gonna need a place to go if things continue to go south: “New class of habitable exoplanets represent a big step forward in the search for life.”
So much good amidst so much bad: “Team unveils widespread tumor suppression mechanism that stops cancer progression by interfering with cell metabolism.”
At what point do the American people say “enough?!?!” “Keeping Fear Alive: Reluctant to set the public free, policymakers and the public-health bureaucracy set unachievable and unnecessary goals.” This is a very good essay by the way.
George Orwell is rolling in his grave. This is a very bad idea. I used to teach students from communist China. They supported this kind of thing: “Nearly half the public favors a digital Ministry of Truth, but it’s a terrible idea.”
Winners and losers: an American Story: “The rich and powerful thrived as the rest of us suffered in the year of lockdowns.”
Are you starting to see a trend here? “Minnesota mosque bomber identifies as transgender woman, seeks lower sentence due to 'internal conflict'.”
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. “Natural infection vs vaccination: Which gives more protection? Nearly 40% of new COVID patients were vaccinated - compared to just 1% who had been infected previously.”
I hate to say it, but I told ya so. In fact, I only told you so a few days ago. “U.S. Leaving Behind 75,000 Vehicles, 600,000 Weapons, 208 Aircraft In Afghanistan, Watchdog Says.”
Different numbers here, but you get the point:
Don’t you just love America’s Ruling Class? Top shelf people. If I ran for President of the United States (which I can’t) and promised to fire the leadership of the U.S. military, do you think I’d get any votes? “Sergeant Major of the Army prioritizes 'diversity' amid Afghanistan evacuation.”
Don’t you just love Canada’s Ruling Class? Top shelf people. If I ran for Prime Minister of Canada (which I think I still can) and promised to clean house, do you think I’d get any votes? “Trudeau minister raises eyebrows by calling Taliban 'our brothers'.”
Canada's minister for women and gender equality referred to the Taliban as "our brothers" during a virtual news conference Wednesday morning.
"I want to take this opportunity to speak to our brothers, the Taliban," Maryam Monsef said. "We call on you to ensure the safe and secure passage of any individual in Afghanistan out of the country."
Lest we forget that Justin Trudeau is surely Aristotle’s model of the great-souled man, I present to you one of the great moments in the history of statesmanship:
Christopher Rufo strikes again: “Critical Race Capitalism: Verizon teaches employees that America is fundamentally racist and promotes ‘defunding the police’.”
We have the best Ruling Class: “BOMBSHELL: U.S. Officials Handed Taliban a List of Names of Americans and Afghan Allies.”
Australia has reverted to being a penal colony once again: “When a Western Society Goes Insane.”
Heretofore an honorable member of the Free World, Australia has lurched into a bizarre and disturbing netherworld of bureaucratic oppression in the name of public health.
Australia’s COVID-lockdown mania has been so all-consuming that one assumes much of it would make Anthony Fauci blanch. . . .
The spirit of the lockdowns was perfectly captured a few months ago by the chief health officer of the state of New South Wales who warned, “Whilst it is in human nature to engage in conversation with others, to be friendly, unfortunately this is not the time to do that.”
Ah yes, the public-health threat of over-chattiness.
The state of South Australia has developed an app to enforce home quarantines. As a news report explains, “The app will contact people at random asking them to provide proof of their location within 15 minutes.” If they fail to do so, the health department will notify the police, who will send officers to check on the possible malefactor.
Today is September 10, 2021, and tomorrow we mourn the 20th anniversary of 9-11. The last 18 months have been hard on all of us. Our souls need something beautiful today and tomorrow to remind us of all the good that still exists in the United States of America, despite everything. I think you’ll like this:
P.S.: Don’t forget to submit your aesthetic recommendations to: Please always use as your subject line: “The Beautiful.”
Have great weekend!
Hey Mr. Prof! If you want to be taken seriously, you might want to think about appearing on "The Reason we Learn's YouTube program again. Have you checked out her Twitter (insomnochick) account? She's quite a nasty piece of work. She throws the f-bomb around a lot and comes unglued when she disagrees with somebody. Here's her latest on Fauci: "Said the runty rat- faced fucker who probably got picked last for kickball." She's hardly an example of enlightened and intelligent conversation. She also had a nasty tweet about some band "ruining" her daughters 18th birthday because they cancelled because of covid concerns. I guess she and her daughter weren't capable of getting over their disappointment and coming up with another fun activity. It's fine if she disagrees with Fauci, but calling him a "runty rat-faced fucker who was probably picked last in kickball," did it for me. Would it be bad form for me to call her a hysterical shrill snowflake? I guess it's better than calling her a "rat-faced fucker" at least.