The news has been coming so fast and hard the last couple of weeks that I can barely keep up with it. Bear with me as I try to get out from under the pile of (mostly) bad news.
‘Cause that’s what dads do. SUPER HERO American Dad comes to the rescue and wrestles with an alligator trying to kill a woman. This is must watch TV. Watch the video at the link: “Video: Nightmare Unfolds at Child's Birthday Party as Alligator Handler Is Dragged Into Tank.”
Super Hero—5-Year-Old Edition: “Boy, 5, conquers Appalachian trail with only Skittles and imagination.”
I still love this woman. Watch the imbedded video. “Olympic gold medalist Tamyra Mensah-Stock on representing Team USA: 'This is where I was born and raised'.”
We definitely want more of this and faster, faster, faster. Please someone tell the Ruling Class to get the hell out of the way: “General Fusion Takes Aim at Practical Fusion Power : The company plans to demonstrate its compact nuclear fusion technology in the UK by 2025.”
Resist! “Some Restaurant Owners Are Suing NYC Over Its New Vaccine Mandate.”
Think that woke ideology won’t kill you? Think again: “Medicine's Getting Major Injections of Woke Ideology, Part I.”
Think harder: “As Race ‘Equity’ Advances in Health Care, Signs of a Chilling Effect on Dissent, Part II.”
Are ya havin’ a laugh yet? We have so much wisdom to learn from the Ruling Class. I’m proud to say that I live in a country governed by Philosopher Kings. “'Inmates' no longer: Those in Dane County Jail to be called 'residents,' 'those within our care'.”
Instead of “no taxation without representation,” how ‘bout no income taxes? “61% of Americans paid no federal income taxes in 2020, Tax Policy Center says.” This means that 39% of the population is paying all the taxes. How ‘bout we get that number to close to 100% but no one pays more than 10% of their income until we get to 5%. Alternatively, we could get the percentage of Americans paying income taxes down to zero and then find better ways to raise revenue. That would be a start on the road to a just and moral system.
No kidding, Sherlock! You can’t have socialism without higher, higher, higher taxes. “Biden and Pelosi Set to Impose Tax Hikes on Small Businesses.”
Racism Alert—Banking Edition. Chris Rufo strikes again: “Bank of Amerika: The financial giant teaches that the United States is a system of ‘white supremacy’ and encourages employees to become ‘woke at work’.”
Seems right to me: “To Defeat Delta Variant, Experts Recommend Doing All The Things That Didn't Work The First Time.” ‘Cause the rule of experts worked so well the first time.
Canada has the best Ruling Class in the world. “Try ‘glory holes’ for safer sex during coronavirus, B.C. CDC says.” Ya, that’s the ticket.
Disgraceful: “Republican recall frontrunner Larry Elder called ‘Black face of white supremacy’.”
Decline and Fall—British Edition. England has become a nation-wide clown show: “Police pin hopes on ‘rainbow cars’ to drive out hate crime.”
Police are replacing patrol cars with “hate crime cars” to encourage people to report incidents such as social media comments.
Deputy Chief Constable Julie Cooke said that the cars painted with the police insignia and rainbow designs are now “part of our vehicle fleet” and will be driven daily by officers on patrol. . . .
However, cash-strapped forces across the country have faced criticism for focusing on the allegations, a large number of which stem from social media comments.
Even where a crime has not been committed, police record the allegation as a “hate incident”, which could show up on a person’s criminal record checks.
I wonder what the P.E.T.A. people think about this? “Cambridge University Press Advocates For Bestiality.” Can the intersectional coalition be held together? Inquiring minds want to know.
We have the best Ruling Class: “Afghanistan proves our failed generals no longer care about winning.”
Say it again and say it louder: America has the best Ruling Class:

What is the meaning of America’s Afghanistan debacle? Here’s a very good article on something very ugly: “This is worse than Saigon.”
This was always the West’s problem in Afghanistan: it lacked faith in the very values it claimed to be delivering to that benighted country. We will liberate women from life under the burqa, Western officials said. But isn’t it ‘Islamophobic’ to criticise the burqa, or any other Islamic practice for that matter? Our elites have insisted for years that it is. We will replace your intolerant Islamist system with a civil society fashioned by clever professors, the West promised. But isn’t it judgemental and possibly a tad racist – certainly an offence against the ideology of multiculturalism – to imply that Western democracy is superior to Islamist theocracy? As one British think-tank says, in its definition of the term ‘Islamophobia’, it is wrong to suggest that Islam is in any way ‘inferior to the West’. The West’s post-9/11 bluster was continually undermined by the West’s broader descent into moral relativism. How can you assert the civilisational authority of Western values when your entire educational and university system is devoted to questioning and demeaning Western civilisation? You cannot partake in a clash of civilisations if you loathe your own civilisation.
Sometimes a Tweet is worth a thousand words:
Some Tweets are worth 2,000 words:
I’m pretty sure that American cultural imperialism has been a failure.
Thanks to Uncle Joe, Hegel’s rational state has come to its highest expression:
. . . and The BEAUTIFUL
Oh my gosh; I’m speechless. I’d like to see this in my dreams every night.
P.S.: Don’t forget to submit your aesthetic recommendations to: Please always use as your subject line: “The Beautiful.”
Have great weekend!